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Project Pi Blockchain


Welcome to Pi Brainstorm

This is a new prototype where Pioneers can propose Pi Apps ideas for the future Pi Blockchain, join projects and engage other Pioneers to join projects. KYCā€™ed Pioneers can donate Pi in support of a specific published project. The donated Pi will only be distributed if the projects come to fruition. The Brainstorm app will initially publish project proposals for ecosystem apps (Type 2), and later business apps (Type 1).

The purpose

The purpose of this app is to include all Pioneers in the ecosystem building for Pi. The app hopes to channel the creativity, collective wisdom, talents and support from our large community of more than 10 million engaged Pioneers into producing real applications, creating utilities and building the ecosystem, which are crucial to the success of Pi.

How does it work?

All Pioneers can submit a new project proposal. The submitted projects are not automatically published. First, Pi chat moderators curate proposals for quality and spam/duplication removals. Second, the Core Team will publish a small subset of well-articulated project proposals that contain both a good idea and an initial implementation plan with enough details to indicate alignment with the ecosystem goals and feasibility. 

Although Pioneers can submit good ideas without having to build it themselves, the priority goes to proposals where the creator also commits as one of builders for the project. Then, all Pioneers will be able to see all published project proposals, and upvote/downvote them as to whether the project should be built to achieve utilities and our ecosystem goals. KYCā€™ed Pioneers can support the project even further by donating Pi as an incentive to the builders. Talented and motivated Pioneers can apply to join specific projects to help bring them to fruition

Keep in mind that this is an early prototype that we release as beta, and expect changes to come as the community starts using it.

Types of app projects

There are two types of projects that Pioneers can submit app proposal for:

Type 1: Apps with a business model. These apps can earn Pi from the business transactions inside their apps, for example charges of Pi for facilitating a purchase for goods or services or direct sales in Pi to Pioneers. These apps make their own independent product, technology and business decisions, e.g. what features or functionalities to include in the app and how much to charge.

Type 2: Ecosystem apps. Ecosystem apps are apps that may not have a business model but are essential to the infrastructure of the Pi ecosystem. The purpose of such apps are to complete insufficiencies, facilitate growth of the ecosystem and benefit the common good of the network. These apps can be developed by Pioneers, will be under the support and direction of the Core Team, and may be running on Core Teamā€™s server infrastructure. Developers of such projects are primarily supported by community donations. Example type 2 apps: an alternative wallet app, a KYC app, etc.

Pioneers can propose both type 1 and type 2 apps. Keep in mind that the Core Team will initially focus on reviewing and publishing ecosystem apps proposed by people who intend to build them. Also, as communicated previously, please avoid submitting apps that are not compliant with the law or Piā€™s policies or apps not in line with our ecosystem goals, e.g. apps facilitate hoarding, gambling apps or casinos.

Project roles

Each project usually contain the following roles:

Admins: For ecosystem app proposals, admins can approve team members and edit the project description. For business apps, the role of admins is assumed by the leaders of the project.

Business: People who would like to contribute to the business side of the project, such as marketing, operations, communication, pioneer engagement and support, etc..

Developers: People who would like to contribute technical skills to building of the project, such as engineers, designers etc..


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