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Showing posts from July, 2011

Koperasi Modern Jaya need investors for Cassava and Mocaf

Koperasi Modern Jaya invite anyone who is interested, to invest in Lampung in the field of cultivation of cassava through a pattern of mutually beneficial cooperation. With technology and experience, Koperasi Modern Jaya are capable of producing 100 tons of cassava per hectare at age 11 months. and plan to create a factory mocaf (Modified Cassava Flour) And already have MOUs with some of the processing plant cassava in Lampung to accommodate the results of our cassava production. Koperasi Modern Jaya provide superior cassava seedlings, fertilizers, growth hormones (ZPT), as well as the Standard Operational Procedure (SOP) in order to achieve a minimum of 100 tonnes of cassava production per hectare. For further information please contact person: 1. Ir. Sudarsono Telp / Mobile: 081379674156 (Lampung) 2. Ir. Rhino H Pranapati Telp / Mobile: 021-33339009 (Jakarta)

What is ICC (International Chamber of Commerce) ?

ICC is the world business organization, a representative body that speaks with authority on behalf of enterprises from all sectors in every part of the world. The fundamental mission of ICC is to promote open international trade and investment across frontiers and help business corporations meet the challenges and opportunities of globalization. Its conviction that trade is a powerful force for peace and prosperity dates from the organization’s origins early in the 20th century. The small group of far-sighted business leaders who founded ICC called themselves “the merchants of peace”. ICC was founded in 1919. Today it groups hundreds of thousands of member companies and associations from over 120 countries. National committees work with their members to address the concerns of business in their countries and convey to their governments the business views formulated by ICC. ICC enjoys a close working relationship with the United Nations and other intergovernmental organizations, includi

Menjadikan Masyarakat Singkong Indonesia yang Sejahtera

Peran singkong sangat penting dalam kehidupan sekarang ini yaitu sebagai Food (sumber karbohidrat), Feed (pakan ternak), Fuel (sumber energi alternatif). Dalam menghadapi krisis pangan dan energi, Masyarakat Singkong Indonesia (MSI) telah bersiap menghadapinya dengan membuat beberapa program kerja, antara lain dengan proyek ’Peningkatan Pendapatan petani melalui pengembangan klastering Industri Singkong’ hal ini disampaikan oleh Ketua MSI H. Suharyo Husen dan DR. Marwah Daud Ibrahim pada acara Rountable Singkong dan aneka Tepung, diskusi Masyarakat singkong indonesia bersama KADIN Indonesia dan pada tanggal 8 Juli 2011 di Jakarta. Klastering Agroindustri Singkong sasarannya adalah Petani, Buruh tani, Pemuda/pemudi tani dengan target pendapatan Rp 5 juta s/d Rp 20 Juta per bulan, menggunakan varietas singkong Hidayah dan Mangu yang mampu menghasilkan 100 s/d 120 ton pe Ha. Lahan yang dgunakan untuk 1 kluster adalah 300 Ha, terdiri dari 120 KK, 1 Keluarga petani menggarap 2,5 Ha. Dan