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Showing posts from January, 2022

Project Pi Blockchain

  Welcome to Pi Brainstorm This is a new prototype where Pioneers can propose Pi Apps ideas for the future Pi Blockchain, join projects and engage other Pioneers to join projects. KYC’ed Pioneers can donate Pi in support of a specific published project. The donated Pi will only be distributed if the projects come to fruition. The Brainstorm app will initially publish project proposals for ecosystem apps (Type 2), and later business apps (Type 1). The purpose The purpose of this app is to include all Pioneers in the ecosystem building for Pi. The app hopes to channel the creativity, collective wisdom, talents and support from our large community of more than 10 million engaged Pioneers into producing real applications, creating utilities and building the ecosystem, which are crucial to the success of Pi. How does it work? All Pioneers can submit a new project proposal. The submitted projects are not automatically published. First, Pi chat moderators curate proposals for quality and spam

What is Ihub Hotspot? and Helium Network?

 What is HNT Mining Hotspots and Crypto © GPL3+  The helium network is where you can mine cryptocurrency and use the LoRaWAN network with great area coverage for cheap! The People Powered Network as the Helium Company mentions it, Is a LoraWAN based Network that provides coverage through the Gateways and Miners that people place at their houses or at their property that's why it is referred to as People Powered. The Helium Network provides people like us a platform to connect our LoRa devices to the Application Servers by taking a very nominal fee and in this complete process, No Internet or any other cellular network is used. About Helium Network Launched in July 2019, Helium is a distributed network of long-range wireless hotspots. The Helium Network is a physical wireless network that succeeds based on the amount of reliable coverage it can create for users deploying connected devices on it. Helium Network Architecture and Incentivization The Helium Network is created by hots

Gerai ABK UMKM Tangsel

 Gerai ABK UMKM di Pusat Oleh-oleh Tangsel Yayasan Griya Anak Berkebutuhan Khusus adalah Yayasan yang fokus memberikan pembinaan dan pelatihan gratis bagi Anak-anak yang Berkebutuhan Khusus (ABK)  usia 17 thn keatas Pelaku usaha: ABK Umkm - Istudiyanti (Ince) Priatmi - Dewi Semarabawa - Titi Widjayati

Helium Mining Hotspots menggalang dana $111 juta

  Helium Mining Hotspots menggalang dana $111 juta dan mengarsipkan lebih dari 100 ribu node aktif. Harga HNT mencapai level tertinggi 3 bulan setelah node aktif jaringan melampaui 100,000 dan oleh karena itu proyek tersebut mengumpulkan $ 111 juta melalui penjualan token. Di antara 11,000 cryptocurrency yang terdaftar, ada beberapa proyek yang menyediakan kasus penggunaan revolusioner yang mampu meningkatkan cara masyarakat beroperasi melalui penggabungan teknologi blockchain. Salah satu proyek tersebut adalah Helium (HNT), jaringan nirkabel 5G peer-to-peer terdesentralisasi yang menjadi berita utama pada 10 Agustus karena berhasil menyelesaikan penjualan token yang mengumpulkan $ 111 juta dari banyak investor, termasuk Andreessen Horowitz. Helium Bar telah bekerja di industri radio sejak 2015 dan mengembangkan jaringan Hotspot helium sejak 2020. Banyak Hotspot sudah terpasang di berbagai Kota di Eropa dan bekerja dengan baik dan menguntungkan. Helium Bar menawarkan pelanggannya berba


  * UNDANGAN DIGITAL ASSET COURSE 3/1/2022 * _ Selamat Tahun Baru 2022 _ * Happy New Year 2022 * _ * Start the new year smarter, faster, better, wealthier * . _ 💡Sore yang hebat para Sultan pioner , para mitra pembangun jaringan infrastruktur Internet Of things seantero Nusantara, salam dari leader kita, Founder iHub. Global Indonesia , DR. SULISTYA PUTRA, ST.MA. 💡Seperti kita ketahui Dr. Putra adalah leader kita semua, yang membawa dan memperkenalkan ini sejak Agustus 2021 hingga saat ini. Beliau adalah founder dan leader * DAC = Digital Asset Academi * yang mempunyai kurikulum pertama tentang * Asset Digtal * , pengalaman dan kapasitas Dr.Putra sudah teruji di Indonesia & dunia Internasional dan terbukti membatu banyak orang  berhasil dan sukses * membangun Asset digital * 💡Di awal tahun 2022 ini , selain yang terus kita kerjakan hingga kita terima alat hotspotnya, beliau DR. PUTRA juga membimbing kita untuk belajar dan membangun * A