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Showing posts from May, 2011

Drying Technology (Drying Machine) for Mocaf

Drying Machine for Mocaf (Modified Cassava Flour) Processing Teknologi Pengeringan (Mesin Pengering) untuk pengeringan cassava /onggok dan chips mocaf 1. Mesin Pengering Kapasitas 500 kg per hari Drying machine capacity 500 kg per day 2. Mesin Pengering Kapasitas 1000 kg per hari Drying machine capacity 1000 kg per day 3. Mesin Pengering Kapasitas 1000 kg per Jam Drying machine capacity 1000 kg per hour Catatan Rhino

How To Remove Write Protection from USB Pen Drive

To remove write protection: 1. Open Start Menu 2. Run, type regedit and press Enter, this will open the registry editor. 3. Navigate to the following path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\StorageDevicePolicies 4. Double click the key WriteProtect in the right pane and set the value to 0 In the Value Data Box and press OK button 5.Exit Registry 6. Restart your computer and re-connect your USB pen drive on your computer. (Thank to Vijji) source:

About Mocaf (Modified Cassava Flour)

MOCAF (Modified Cassava Flour) or Motekap , is a new innovation Flour, made from cassava with lactic acid fermentation process, according to the standard ( SNI 7622:2011 ) established by the National Standardization Agency of Indonesia (download SNI Mocaf here..... ) Mocaf Flour characteristics almost the same as wheat flour (preferably white, aroma, and flavor equivalent), so mocaf can be a substitute ingredient in the manufacture of food products based on wheat flour and rice flour. Advantages mocaf flour; good for health, easily digested because of the fermentation, are safe for the children with autism, diabetes, digestive disorders, and allergies because it is free Glutein; Mocaf flour has a high calcium, high fiber (the highest of all the flour), low fat, contains scopoletin which may inhibit cancer cell proliferation. The process of making mocaf flour, natural biological (organic) without any chemicals (no preservatives and dyes) and processed hygienically. How to make M

New Flour of Gluten Free without added chemicals

We would like to introduce new flour, was modiffied from cassava flour ( Mocaf). Mocaf or Motekap (Modifikasi Tepung Ketela Pohon) New Flavors of Gluten Free, and without added chemicals that we won't use. This flour can be made ​​brownies, nastar, castengel, noodles etc For order Motekap (Mocaf) , and request a demo making cakes, Please contact our distributor: 621- 7650467

Demo Membuat Kue dari Tepung Motekap (Mocaf)

Sosialisasi Tepung Motekap (Mocaf) Dalam rangka sosialisasi tepung Motekap (mocaf), saya dan teman-teman memperkenalkan tepung motekap kepada masyarakat dengan cara ‘road show’ dan demo masak membuat kue dan makanan menggunakan tepung motekap atau mocaf. Demo masak membuat kue di adakan oleh ibu-ibu. Dan kami yang menyediakan tepung mocafnya. Tanggapan dan hasilnya sungguh sangat luar biasa, pada saat kue dan makanan itu tersaji, langsung ‘disikat habis oleh ibu-ibu’ dan tepung motekap (mocaf) yang kami bawa langsung habis dibeli. Dan yang kehabisan langsung memesan kepada kami tepung motekap untuk dikirim ke rumahnya. Setelah di perkenalan tepung motekap, membuat kue dan makan dan mencicipi sendiri hasil olahan nya ternyata ibu-ibu dan masyarakat sangat menyukai tepung motekap (mocaf) karena selain harga nya murah juga menyehatkan dan rasanya yang lezat. Mengenal Motekap (Mocaf) Apa itu Motekap ? Motekap adalah singkatan dari Modifikasi Tepung Ketela Pohon. atau dalam bahas ingg


Bahan : - 6 butir telur - 200 g mentega - 100 g Tepung Mocaf - 50 g coklat bubuk - 1 sendok teh baking powder - 250 g coklat masak - 200 g gula pasir Cara Pembuatan : 1. Kocok lepas telur dengan gula 2. Lelehkan mentega dan coklat masak dinginkan 3. Campur Tepung Mocaf dan coklat bubuk, ayak 4. Tambahkan kocokan telur, aduk sampai rata. 5. Tambahkan mentega dan coklat, aduk sampai rata. 6. Panggang sampai matang 7. Potong-potong dan hidangkan Disunting dari “aneka resep olahan “ BB Pascapanen, 2010