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Showing posts from October, 2010

Pray for indonesia

Tsunami in Indonesia kills over 100 as earthquake triggers waves A quake-triggered tsunami on Monday has left more than a hundred people dead. Scores are missing and houses have been destroyed with hundreds seeking refuge in shelters. Around 20 people have been injured by hot ash and rocks as a volcano has begun to erupt in Indonesia. Scientists had warned that pressure building beneath Merapi's lava dome could trigger one of the most powerful blasts in years. Indonesia sees frequent earthquakes and volcanic activity.

How to Create a mobile WAP site for your blog ?

What is WAP ? Wireless Application Protocol (WAP) is an open international standard for application-layer network communications in a wireless-communication environment. To enable easy fast delivery of relevant information and services to mobile users. Click Wikipedia (mobile) to view Wikipedia on a mobile device A WAP browser is a commonly used web browser for small mobile devices such as cell phones or PDAs, developed to allow a realistic browsing experience to users. Given then, the inherent physical and technical limitations of these devices such as size and data transfer speeds, new code was created, and the WAP browser accesses websites written in, or dynamically converted to, WML (Wireless Markup Language). What ty pe of devices will use WAP? Handheld digital wireless devices such as mobile phones, pagers, two-way radios, smartphones and communicators -- from low-end to high-end. WAP is designed to work with most wireless networks such as CDPD, CDMA, GSM, PDC, PHS, TDM

How to detect high-risk PayPal Phishing Emails

By: conabiz Today I received this email from with the subject: "Your PayPal account has been limited". It was marked with "High importance". It sounds serious, doesn't it? I've seen many PayPal phishing emails before, but this one looked reliable.The sender email address looked legitimate:, unlike popular phishing senders' style such as: (this is an example email address) I opened the email and saw the PayPal logo. On the right, there was a box "Protect your account info" with a valid link to, that even provided "Security Tips" at the secured link: Figure 1: This email seems to be reliable Wait a minute! This email was sent to the email address But I have no PayPal account associated with this email address! Something is wrong. Also it said "Dear Paypal member&q

Cara mudah membuat pupuk kompos dari sampah rumah tangga

Jika hoby merawat tanaman hias, sering kali kita harus membeli pupuk, kini harga pupuk semakin mahal saja. Harga pupuk kompos di toko pertanian berkisar Rp 5.000 s/d 15.000, per 5 kg Sedangkan sekarung harganya Rp.30.000. Padahal kita dapat membuat sendiri pupuk kompos di rumah, dengan bahan baku limbah/ sampah yg ada di rumah kita. Bahan baku Ada dua jenis sampah yaitu organ ik dan anorganik. yang termasuk sampah organik dan bisa dijadikan bahan kompos adalah sampah coklat (daun kering, rumput kering, serbuk gergaji, serutan kayu, sekam, jerami, kulit jagung, kertas yang tidak mengkilat, tangkai sayuran) dan sampah hijau (sayuran, buah-buahan, potongan rumput segar, daun segar, sampah dapur, ampas teh/kopi, kulit telur, pupuk kandang). Sedangkan yang masuk kelompok sampah anorganik adalah plastik, stereoform, kertas (mengkilat), logam, kaca dll. dipisahkan saja itu “jatah nya pemulung” Alat dan bahan Alat yang dibutuhkan adalah tempat memproses sampah menjadi kompos (komposter