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Verenigde Oost Indische Compagnie (VOC) Ship Found Contains 180,000 Gold Coins

Verenigde Oost-Indische Compagnie (VOC) Ship found in the bottom of the sea with the contents include 180,000 gold coins. All the coins in good condition and estimated value of approximately U.S. $ 1 billion

Marine archaeological research team from Hungary find the ruins of the Dutch cargo ship that sank near the coast of Brazil for more than three centuries. The ship was named Voetboog sailed from Batavia (renamed Jakarta in the past) to the Netherlands before finally drowning in the Atlantic Ocean. To the Hungarian news agency MTI, Attila the expedition team leader K. Szaloky Said that is Voetboog sailboat with three main mast.

The ship belonged to the VOC (East India Company or Vereenigde Dutch trading company that was founded on March 20, 1602, and monopolizing the trade activities in Asia. When left the Batavia, the ship was carrying 109 crew (the crew).

Fluyt ship types (Dutch sailing ship specifically designed for cargo) was carried silk, spices, tea, porcelain Japan and China and approximately 180 thousand Dutch gold coins when the sail. Value of ship wreckage was valued around USD 1 billion (approximately USD 9.5 trillion).
Tim Octopus Association for Marine Archeology actually found the ruins of the ship in October 2008. But, the discovery was announced only after the first phase of the study was completed. It explains whether a treasure ship that brought them also found among the debris.

Voetboog is one of the many flagship VOC ships. During 1602-1795, the VOC ships sail the sea link between Europe and East Asia. At that time the Company is a trading company of the most organized in the region.


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